Amanda has two challenges at Digitals with beautiful mini kits for each, and the large kit of the same name is on sale. My favorite is the Calendar challenge, I do 4x6, (you can make any size you like), and I make them for 2010, at the end of the year all I have to do is print and give them to my girls for Christmas, they reuse a pretty glass frame with metal corners I purchased at Walmart. They can't wait each year to see what photos I use on them, and it's gotten them to send me more photos during the year, that's a good thing for a Scrappin Granny.
Anyway, Song of Hope is the kit for this month for the Calendar challenge and the mini is darling.
The Scrap Therapy challenge is using Finalmente, both kits are on sale in the store.
Forum links: Calendar challenge
Scrap Therapy
Click on the preview to be taken to the store.
Hurry tho, you'll want to get the whole kit, buy it before Amanda realizes how low she has priced it. LOL
Now that we have gotten the important stuff out of the way, I have to say, it's been another heck of a day.
Several weeks ago my hubby suffered a heart attach and then had a quad by pass operation.
He was doing pretty well early on, then he caught some virus and has not been able to shake it. We seem to spend a lot of time in Dr's offices and today, we headed for the Hosp for a CT scan and he ended up admitted to the ER and we spent 3 hrs there. This kind of thing is happening a lot, I know he will eventually be all right, but it's sure a long haul.
Ok, everyone, check back in a day or two and I'll have a pretty for you for free.