It's sept, I'm sorry I'm a bit late with the wallpaper. I've got this back problem that has been ongoing for almost 2 months now, and I can't sit for long here. But it's done now. Sure hope you enjoy it. I used Amanda's
It's Elementry page kit, and if you hurry over you can get it on sale. Also, if you particpate in Amanda's calendar challenge over at Digitals, you will not only get the free calendar but a cute extra mini kit for It's Elementry.
My wallpaper has the month on it, but I've left off the calendar. You can leave as is, or get the one for the challenge and add it in, or I use Rainlender, it's an awesome free program that is interactive, check it out.
In my preview I used a photo we took over Memorial day weekend when my kids were here. We toured Oatman AZ, right on old HWY 66 between Kingman and Bullhead City. Neat place if you get a chance to go there. The burro's run free and are protected, for a while there had been a problem of people feeding the babies and they would choke, so now you will see signs on their forheads telling you not to feed them. LOL.
It's pretty funny looking but if it keeps them healthy, it's all ok.
Click on the preview to get the file.